Create any kind of report that you need with an easy to use report builder with a drag & drop interface for adding fields. You can also collect photos and signatures in the field and then merge the data to a custom built PDF or HTML document.
Add any kind of field to collect data in the field... Even collect and save a customer signature for the report.
Custom field values and properties can be defined for any field group.
Merge report data to custom created reports that can be created with one click.
Reports can be merged to custom PDF forms.
Take photos in field report and immediately deliver to customer.
Build a custom report in RoadPro to easily collect data in the field. Also add photo buttons to capture a photo for that given field. Simply drag a field type to the report builder form to add that field to the new form.
When creating reports, custom values and properties can be defined for each field type. Also make that field required or validate certain values when collecting the data.
Once you create a field report, they can be assigned to any of your services. They can then be filled in from the field using the RoadPro mobile application. The collected data can then be merged to the custom report.
Merged reports can be sent to any custom created PDF form for a pixel perfect final report document.
Complete field reports from mobile device and deliver to customer while taking photos and ability to add signature or any field you'd like.